
I do not usually do things like this, but I felt compelled to share our families experience, so hopefully no one has to suffer like my son did. 
Last Wednesday our family decided to go swimming so I stopped in at my local Dollar Tree to pick up a few toys for the pool. While I was there, I thought I would grab some extra sun screen just in case. We get to the pool and I rub our family down with sunscreen and get to our oldest son, who is 9, and had to get a new bottle out. Lucky for me, I grabbed some at the Dollar Tree, so we used that on him. We were in the sun for about three and a half hours and reapplied his sunscreen once. We head home and this is what our week looked like for our 9 YEAR OLD!!!

These two pictures were taken about 4 hours after getting out of the pool.

 He was miserable and kept saying his skin was burning off. 

These were about 20 hours after leaving the pool.

24 hours after the pool 

And about 30 hours after leaving the pool 

These are 5 days after leaving the pool




And these are 9 days after leaving the pool.

 My children are fair complected and my husbands family has a history of skin cancer. Because of that, I am extremely cautious of the amount of sun our kids are exposed to.  

Out of five children and two adults, my 9 year old was the only one to use the sunscreen from the Dollar Tree and he is the only one who ended up with a burn. 

These burns were second degree burns. They are excruciatingly painful. My son spent days screaming in pain. He had to orally take three different medicines and had to use two different creams. 

This is completely unacceptable. This product needs to be removed from shelves and all parents need to be made aware of this incident. 

Please, please, PLEASE share this post and let all of your friends know to not purchase this sunblock! My son would have been better off not wearing any sunscreen at all that day. In addition to all the physical pain he had to endure, he is now terrified to go out in the sun and has spent the last week and a half extremely embarrassed and self conscious about the appearance of his burns. 

These burns will scar. They will scar physically and emotionally. And as a mother, my heart is broken. I bought the sun screen. I put it on his body. In trying to protect him, I ended up hurting him so badly. And I’m mad. So very, very mad. 

But knowledge is power. So please learn from my mishap. DO NOT BUY SUNSCREEN FROM THE DOLLAR TREE!!! DO NOT DO IT!!!!!!
This is the brand 


7,450 responses »

  1. I would never trust dollar store sunscreen. She mentioned that her family history has skin cancer and very fair skinned children. She made a bad judgement call to even chance it with that sunscreen… and it looks like it’s spf 15 which was applied 2 times while out in the water for 3 hours I am sad for this poor kid who’s mom was not looking out for him. And a burn like that doesn’t just show up hours later with no warning that it’s coming on. The skin would have been getting pink while still out in the sun especially if it was that severe of sun damage. I have watched a family friend battle melanoma cancer that has been heart breaking and we all know the costly effect of sun damage and proper means of preventing it such as appropriate brands and spf and just watch for early signs of burning too. You can’t be oblivious to This being a bad decision given your own statements in this article. This mother learned a very hard lesson on protecting her children and being a responsible adult. It’s a shame it was in the kids expense.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Wow, judge not, or you will be judged with the same grace. I happen to know that it does not show traces of the result while still in the sun. If you can’t say something nice, you shouldn’t speak at all lady!!!! Don’t you remember your parents telling you that as a child?

      Liked by 1 person

    • I know that this is terrible and everyone wants to defend this MOM but I am really tired of stupid people blaming everyone but themselves…. this has nothing to do with the sunscreen.

      Sun Block needs to be re-applied every 30 minutes when swimming. The water reflection will also increase the UV rays. Only Stupid people don’t know this.

      I have a daughter who is fare skinned and she always wore a T shirt swimming and sat in the shade in between…Shame on this mom for being Stupid!

      Liked by 2 people

      • It is wonderful that you are perfect. So happy for you. Oh and so smart too.

        Thank you to the mom who cared enough to warn the public about this ineffective product.
        Hope your son makes a full recovery.

        Liked by 2 people

      • I live in Florida and my son has really fair skin and the mother is my cousin and l know she is a Great MOM how dare you say she is stupid! My son goes to the beach everyday and has gotten a few sunburns and they didn’t show up till that night. Yeah he was a little pink when he came home but he didn’t even know he had a sun burn till later that night. So don’t say someone is a bad mom or stupid if you don’t know the whole story just be happy she shared her story so it doesn’t happen to anyone else.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Stupid??? Really??? I’m sure this mother regrets not getting a PhD is sun exposure. I am positive that she feels horrible for what has happened to her child. But to try and help others not make the same mistake she did and to be called stupid???? Wow!! How did you get on that high horse?

        Liked by 1 person

      • How come none of the others were burned? I’ve been in sun for hours at a time with shitty sunscreen. I’m fair skinned and made a bad decision and ended up with one nasty burn, but LOOK AT THE DAMN PICTURES. This is not normal. Open your eyes and then think before you speak. “Stupid people”? Look in the mirror.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I’m trying to understand why SPF 15 is provided for sale at all. What a useless product.


    • Who do you think you are? I’ve never heard someone say such awful things about a mother! You do not know all. How disgusting. Yes, I’m judging you, on your words, that you chose to type, proof, and submit. Awful! I pray your children do not suffer from your almighty judgment. Lordy!


    • Wow, that was harsh. I don’t believe she wasn’t looking out for him. Maybe she wasn’t educated on spf levels. Either way, I don’t think tour comments were very mature, appropriate and certainly not helpful in any way! Shame on you!!

      Liked by 1 person

    • What an absolute miserable example of a human you are. Hope you never make an error in judgment that causes harm. Go fuck yourself..


    • Okay so I read your comment and I am only 13 years old and if that was mom I would not hate my mother for trying to protect me. Mothers mess up my mom has messed up they are parents no one is perfect she tried to protect her little boy, and it didn’t go right god has a plan for everyone, not everything goes the way you want it to go. And commenting on this saying that she didn’t try hard enough and, needed to pay attention more, you should be ashamed of yourself for hating on a mother who is doing her job. I don’t know if you have kids or not, but if you wanted to make sure all your kids had sunscreen on them then you should do so but I know for sure that if you child got burns like this little boy you would hate to see a comment from a horrible person to hate you being a parent trying to protect your child from the sun when it didn’t go right that’s not what you would want to hear from another person, I bet that mother is devasted her kid has to go through that and, as a kid I would hate that but, there is no need to comment and remind her of a permanent mistake she made, get a life:))thank you:))( and also I’m and very sorry for her son and I hope he gets better prayers out to him🙏🏻)


  2. I’m hoping you sought medical treatment for this. Using the scale of nines he was at risk for severe complications. I agree this product should be removed immediately. God bless your poor son. Those are extremely painful .

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m sure she did. It mentioned 2 or 3 different medicines he was on and I think it said 3 creams. So I’m assuming these were given by a doctor.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This burn, a serious burn, is due to over-exposure in the sun. That was way too long to be in the sun with or without protection. Most sunscreen has to be re-applied every 45-60 minutes. I hope you took him to the ER for treatment of the damaged skin and resulting pain. Skin is not meant to be cooked under any circumstances. You can spend a lot of money on sunscreens and still risk skin damage and skin cancer.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Once again, people are attacking those who make comments. Guess these types have never in their lives made a single bad-judgment call………Out in public, I see good mothers whose children are well-behaved and respect them, and I see at the moment “bad” (as opposed to indifferent) mothers whose spoiled brats run into folks in the store, scream, yell, have tantrums, pick up the toys and play with them, tell their mothers what to buy, or, if their folks happen to be wealthy, the children look down at the rest of us as though we are bugs to step on……..(saying this with tongue in cheek…..would be interesting to stay on and see who blasts me, but what the heck, folks, do I care? Nope.)


    • I’m not blasting you or judging you. I just want to make one observation. Not all children who scream and yell or have tantrums are being bad or trying to be disrespectful. I personally have a 5 year old with high functioning autism. He is getting much better but he does still have his episodes. That doesn’t mean that I’m being a bad mom or that he’s being a brat. I only say this because I see many people who look at a child who to the naked eye appears to be completely healthy and label them a brat. They don’t know that anything can set the child off from too much noise to even a smell. My son can literally go from being the perfect child one minute to crying and screaming the next and most of the time I have no idea what set it off. I used to worry about being embarrassed by him screaming. But then I realized he is more important than what some stranger at the store thinks. So I do whatever is required to calm him down in a positive way that does not upset him further. Granted a lot of kids that scream and yell at the store are being brats. But then again aren’t all kids brats at times? I do teach my child manners and I never let him play with the toys at the store unless I am buying it. Actually I don’t even allow him to run around the store. I keep him buckled in the cart at all times until I’m taking him out to put him in his carseat because with most autistic children he has a tendency to roam. That too has gotten better but I take no chances.


  5. Yowch! Never buy cheap sunscreen! I see why this could happen… who knows what Dollar Tree is using? Plus, it’s only SPF 15!


  6. I had a burn like this at age 26, many many years ago. I didn’t use sunscreen or even suntan lotion. I used baby oil and water, and laid out in my back yard for one hour each side in overcast weather. Second degree burns over both sides which blistered, just like this young man. I learned a very painful lesson that day and over 8 weeks it took to recover. Yes with scars, All in the name of “getting a jump start on my tan 6 weeks before going to Hawaii. I still went to Hawaii and stayed in the shade while my sister had a great time on the beach and at the pool. It was many years before I spent anytime out in the sun. I am 63 years old now, and some of us have to learn the hard way. Thankfully I have since had 3 kids and they learned about this from my experience.


    • Unfortunately people don’t realize even on overcast days, the UV rays can still be high and burn. Sorry you had to endure that, but hey! You still got to enjoy the beauty of Hawaii! 🙂


  7. I swear, so many people today are incapable of accepting responsibility for their own mistakes. It is always someone else’s fault. I feel sorry for this child. But it is the mother’s fault, not the product and not the store. Did this mother not even bother to look at the SPF? Who puts a sunscreen of SPF 15 on anyone, let alone a child who is fair skinned? And you let the child play in the pool for 3 hours and only reapplied it once? The reason no one else burned this badly is maybe their sunscreen had a higher SPF and was maybe waterproof? Who knows, because this mother chose to place the blame at someone else’s door instead of owning up to the fact she hurt her own child.

    I am a mom and no, I am not perfect. But the difference is, if I make a mistake, I own up to it. I do not try to blame someone or something else for my own screwup. My oldest child burns very easily.
    Even the tops of his ears and his scalp. When we go to the pool, he gets a 50 or higher SPF and it is reapplied every hour and even that is not always enough to keep him from getting burned. On the really hot, blistering days, I make him wear a tshirt into the pool, over the sunscreen. This is not something I have always done, but through trial, error, and mistakes, it keeps him from being in pain for weeks.

    Liked by 1 person

      • Uh it was a mistake anyone can make. But it’s stupid to blame it on the lotion. Reapply every half hour/hour w any SPF. If it’s blistering hot, guess what? 2 applications in 4 hours w water washing it off is NOT going to work.


  8. Every one of you who are attacking and judging this mother or any other ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Have you never made a mistake? Is everything that you do or say perfect and free of flaw? I think not. Perhaps all of you naysayers should be put up for public judgement. I’m quite sure that at least one thing could be found to shame you over. Grow up, people!!!


    • I’m thinking people are saying it’s ok it make a mistake, it happens. I got sunburned like that didn’t know anything about it until I got burned, but to blame the lotion is stupid.


  9. i used to burn like that as a child ( im 62 now ) and i always burned with blistrs like that . i as an adult dont go in the sun w/o good sunscreen on . i recently had skin cancer removed off my cheek and it was not pretty . please always check your sunscreens …. they also loose strenth due to expiring !


  10. It might not just be dollar tree sunscreen. The same thing happened to me last year from using a more popular brand bought at Walmart. I also ended up with second degree burns and end up going to the emergency room. This is despite swimming and reapplying the lotion when I got out. Some sunscreens don’t offer the protection you need. They have to have zinc oxide if I remember right. Be careful what you use.


  11. There’s a shelf life on these sunscreens of a year. Chances are, it was past its expiration date, which is why it was sitting at a DollarTree store. I have a redheaded son, so I know the challenge. He has been burned before, just being outside playing. He wears a wetsuit and 50 SPF on his exposed parts. Sunblock is sitter right by our front door.


    • They told me there are no shelf life on sunscreen. Which amazed me. I still don’t know if I believe that.
      I live in Myrtle Beach SC . I have seen so many ppl get burned here. If fact I have a med dark skin and I got burned really bad once. From KY and never ever had a sunburn in my life. The sun is hotter and wind with it here. I learned that .
      Also 15 is so very low .I wouldn’t even think to buy that for anything except a tan product. When.i buy sunscreen I get water resistant and also the highest blocking ..especially for kids. Yes sunburns usually appear after you get out of the water.. you can tell if your getting red it’s time to go.
      Oh the other hand if Dollar Tree sells a product. I don’t care that it cost a dollar it should work . If not they should be libal.
      I do think the sunscreen 15 was a bad. Choice and always look for waterproof. You need to apply often.
      Just my opinion. I am sorry this happened. It happens all the time especially to the adults here at the beach. You will burn here no matter how hot it is at home . The sun is hotter plus the wind.


      • I’ve checked my sunblock bottles and, surprisingly, only 2 out of 8 bottles has an expiration date listed on it. Being an RN, I know there is a shelf life on these. I would throw anything from last year out. I feel sorry for the mother. I have a redheaded, blue eyed son, and I know there is nothing worse than seeing your child in pain. It didn’t say where she lived, but suppose she’s from a northern state such as Wisconsin or Michigan, where SPF 15 was considered adequate, provided that it is reapplied often, and on a darker complected person. A lighter complected person and in the South, should have no less
        than a 55 SPF. My son get 55 SPF minimum and I reapply it every ,45 mins, when we are in California or Hawaii…he also wears a wetsuit.


  12. It’s SPF 15 of course it’s not going to offer enough protection. You should be using a much higher SPF on your kid. Hello skin cancer? The mistake is not that it came from the Dollar Tree it’s that it wasn’t the proper strength and wasn’t applied enough.


  13. Whenever we buy a product, we automatically buy the quality as well. Cheap products =cheap quality. ( Beauty products sold at Dollar Tree are mostly made in China ) The cost to make a good quality products is not cheap. What to expect from $1.00 product? Don’t take wrong, I love shop at Dollar Tree, but limited to party supplies, candies or snacks. For beauty products I prefer a high end brands like Chanel, Christian Dior, Elizabeth Arden and Shiseido.


  14. The first issue is that it is only an SPF 15, which is generally comparable to suntan lotion. In the future, look for SPF 60 or higher for fair skin.

    The second thing many don’t realize is that being in the water actually magnifies the sun’s strength, along with washing off the little protection given from the low SPF level.

    My third piece of advice is to reapply every hour, at minimum, even with the higher SPF.

    *Mother of two fair-skinned Arizonan natives*


  15. SPF 15 means it’s good for 15 minutes in the sun. SPF 30 for 30 minutes, etc. After swimming, always re-apply.


    • The SPF does not mean the amount of minutes you can stay in the sun without burning. The SPF is a multiplier to how many minutes you can stay in the sun before burning. Just remember, you need to keep reapplying throughout your day in the sun. Here’s the explanation found on

      SPF means Sun Protection Factor using this equation.

      Take the time you would normally burn in the sun without protection, 20 minutes will normally produce redness on a light skinned individual.
      Multiply this number by the SPF of your product. Example: with an SPF 15 x 20 minutes of sun time = 300 … is how many minutes you can stay in the sun without burning. 300 minutes divided by 1 hour of 60 minutes = 5 hours of sun protection without a sunburn.


  16. Being a Floridian we learn very quickly SUNSCREEN is a necessity. I now use an SPF 50. I also continually apply at least 1-2 times an hour. I appreciate this knowledge and will be very much aware of this product. I’m sorry your son is hurt, maybe through your post it will save another child / person.


  17. In my oppinion, if your son has fair skin, I don’t think spf 15 was enough. My daughter is white also, and when we go to beach I make her wear a white t-shirt and floppy hat, and no less than 50 spf. Thank you for sharing your experiance. I was thinking maybe the pools chemicals may have played a part in the lotion coming off?? Something to think about! I hope he recovers, how awful!


  18. Crappy mom leaves kids with spf 15 for 3 hours in a pool. This isn’t the sunscreen’s fault, this is the Mom’s fault.


    • Stay out of the sun or go to the drug store. If you only have a buck to spend on sunscreen, and you can get a no-name sunscreen for a buck, don’t trust it.


  19. Any chance the child was allergic to any of the ingredients in this sunscreen? I’d follow up
    with an allergist as well.


      • An allergy is the most likely cause. Snopes has several similar cases with different brands of sunscreen. The allergy is exacerbated by the sun.

        Everyone says SPF 15 is like “nothing at all”. Lots of people get sunburns from nothing at all and don’t end up with these results. SPF 15 is still the minimum. Not “nothing at all”.

        And does anyone get that the picture at the bottom is from the Internet? She may not have used SPF 15? She just wanted to show us the brand.


  20. You get what you pay for unfortunately for the kid i feel for the kid
    He didn’t pick the sunscreen or be able to research it as well
    The mother i really don’t feel sorry for she has the ability to pick the sunscreen and to research with the internet around ignorance is a choice


  21. I’m so sorry about your son. As a swim team mom of 5, I personally try to apply sun screen on my kids every hour. My kids don’t have fair skin, but I always use 30 or 50 spf. I use the spray sun screen because it’s fast and easy to apply quickly. I use lotion on their faces. Sweat and water washes away the sun screen. Also some kids need extra things like long shirts and hats.


  22. OMG!! I’d be getting a lawyer. That’s putting g everyone in your family at risk for skin cancer… Some of those look like 3rd degree burns! That is incredibly irresponsible of that company. So if nothing else put this sobs out of business!


  23. Maybe the child also had an allergic reaction to the ingredients in the sunscreen? On the family 2nd application was it with the Dollar Store Sunscreen? Nevertheless, 3 hrs. of sun, the 2 applications
    of sunscreen, should have prevented those terrible burns.


  24. Report it to the manufacture…. I am so sorry he has to go through this. Praying he recovers fast! Poor baby.. Don’t blame yourself bc all you were trying to do is protect him honey.


  25. Thank you for sharing. I am so sorry that you may read some of the comments left behind. I know your intention was to help educate the masses based on personal experience. I would be one of those moms on my way to the lake who realizes I may run out of our sunscreen and may just need a little extra. Dollar Tree offers so much that It makes sense to not spend to much more when I already have a bottle. I’d save some time, add to my shopping list for next time I do my shopping at my store of true preference. I hope you stand on some kind of ground to sue these folks. They should have labeled it cooking oil, not sunscreen! Your poor baby. I am so sorry you had to see that develop. My son has eczema and my heart breaks. For the first time in his life he is using a scented lotion for sensitive skin and is happy beyond belief. As a mother my nerves have kicked into high gear. I have put my trust on the brand who shelved this product. I know that it may not agree with my son(crossing fingers it does), but I did read the label at the store. I saw it’s pacakaging and colors that called out to me. They have used words and attractive advertising on their lotion that would attract a family like us. Searching for a new product to satisfy our growing son who would love to smell good now that he is turning 11. I would hope they did all there testing and placed warning on their product that would help me make a decision. As a human being doubt I would make a purchase on something that warned me of possible effect that sounded out of the norm. I hope you are able to sue! I hope he heals as fast as humanly possible. In seing his pictures it truly broke my heart. I felt greatful for the open window you have offered us to look into in order to prevent another baby from going through this. Personal experience help the community when shared. Thank you.


  26. I use this sunscreen in Florida in the middle of summer when I play softball. I am a fair-skin redhead and have never once been burned- at all. I don’t know how it works in and out of the water, but most sunscreens should be reapplied for safety sake in those environments…especially with children. This mother needs to get a grip and assume some responsibility for this occurrence.


  27. Poor baby. Mama, this could happen to anyone so dont think its just because its a dollar tree brand. But, im like you this brand needs removed from the shelves. Something similar happened to my family several years ago and it was the AVEENO name brand. It sounds like this brand, unfortunately, had a bad batch. Praying for the poor fella and for mama too.


  28. Thank you so much for your writing on this. Being a mother of 4 kids this helps me alot.Things like this sometimes need to happen to set as an example for others. Im so glad your son is ok. Thats terrible what he went through. Just know that regardless of what negativity is being said, your heart pulled you to do this to help others. I appreciate the warning. How would anyone ever learn if no trials were present??? We would slip right through life blinded. Thank you and god bless you for this.


  29. SPF 15 is not nearly high enough on fair skin no matter the brand. Sorry he got burned so badly as for the emotional scaring. …children are very resilient.


  30. 1. Dollar sunscreen – might take a chance and use it on me, but not my kid. 2. Spf 15 protects you on a rainy day, maybe. Too low spf. 3. Did not reapply often enough.

    I wouldn’t buy the suncscreen anyway, but it doesn’t seem lkle you took the proper precautions either. Just my opinion.


  31. Hey silver sulfate will stop the scaring. My step dads oxygen tank blew up on his face and he had third degree burns. Can not ever tell it happened now because of that cream. BTW my son has used the same brand and never had a reaction. I will have him stop using it. Perhaps a chemical mix of that with pool chemicals.


  32. Okay those look like chemical burns and that’s a lawsuit you’ve got right there, if for no other reason than to force them to pull that stuff from the shelves!!!! Seriously, save what’s in the bottle and consult an attorney!


  33. This boy has extremely fair skin. I doubt there is anything wrong with the sunscreen, except that it’s not strong enough to protect his skin. Neutrogena makes a very nice sunblock SPF 50+. I have very fair skin too. It never tans, just burns.


  34. There is no mention in your post that you took him to seek out medical attention. I hope you took him. poor kid. Burns are very, very painful… Although you intended well, this is bad. so sorry.


  35. SPF 15!!!! Might as well use nothing at all. I never buy anything less than SPF 45. It’s your own fault for not getting a higher. SPF


  36. Boycotting the brand may not be the best route. The sunscreen is used at my brother’s preschool (for its cost-effective nature) and none of the kids have had issues with it. There could have been something in the sunscreen that caused an adverse reaction that was intensified by the sunlight. Instead of advocating against it, try advising skin tests, like most skin products recommend before trying on your whole body. Don’t take this brand (that has employees trying to earn a living) off of shelves for something that was out of the brand’s control. It was no one’s fault, nor should anyone make a bigger fuss than necessary. But that’s just my two cents.


  37. Knowledge is power? I guess she didn’t know that SPF 15 isn’t going to protect his skin, at all, maybe she should of googled “best sun screen” and would of found out that SPF 15 is not the right choice… I feel bad for that child..


  38. Mom thought she was doing good, I get that and often the cheaper sunscreens are just as effective as the expensive ones, but reading the label is important. Some sunscreen last longer in water than others and this is often on the label somewhere and if you are a lighter skin tone, a spf15 is like putting nothing on. There are several good brands that are inexpensive. This article is 2 years old, but the information is still relevant and I hope helpful to everyone

    Good luck, have fun, and be safe this summer


  39. Okay I am not one to judge but there is some questions I would have for the momma.

    1. He is 9 so there is 9yrs of fair skin and spf15 isn’t probably gonna cut it. UNLESS you are applying it ever 15min.

    2. Why were both parents and I think it said 2 children using the first lotion but the 9yr old was given the off brand. Me personally all of my kids would go first then I would use what’s left.

    3. Was he checked for an allergic reaction not just sun burn?

    4. Why was this only reapplied 1 time in 3 hours??

    I feel horrible for her and for him. However is it really the products / companies fault?? JS

    Prayers to the family!!


    • I am from uk been to Orlando with my fair skin red hair kids and used this product SPF 45 In scorching heat round Disney and waterparks , it’s a great cream when used correctly , each kid uses a whole tube per day , still a great bargain .


  40. I’m sorry that your Son was so burned , However you said in the begining of your Story that Your family is fair-Skinned so my question to a You is Why On Gods Green earth would You risk buying an unfamiliar sunscreen and put this on your child To begin with ?


    • At least a 30 block.!!!!!! 15 are you kidding…you can not blame the product at all….guess you’ve never been in the sun..SAD! SITUATION.


  41. It really sucks that the her child hot sunburn that bad I know the feeling of it….and probably she grabbed the right sun block but with the wrong spf…….mistakes happen and good for her telling the word about the sunblock….hopefully now every parent will double check the spf and making sure it is the spf they are looking for.


  42. The intresting thing is…. most people commenting about the spf15 are either incapable of reading or are just plain ignorant. The mother said the picture was of the BRAND of sunscreen used. She never said that she took a picture of the actual bottle purchased. Or do you folks not know that what is more likely is that she GOOGLED the brand, and used it for reference for her post? I veey seriously doubt that a parent aware of family medical history, and parent to other children, wouldn’t apply just ONE coat of SPF15, then say oh it’s the lotions fault. Get real. She most likely bought a higher spg, and unfortunately it was ineffective. Come on people… while trying to tell this woman she should have used her brain, perhaps you should be using yours.


  43. That’s so sad for your son. I have very fair skin kids too…now adults. I found it less expensive and better protection to buy them sun protective swim wear….the shirts in particular are much easier on kids who want to be out for a long time. Plus, putting sunscreen on their own hands, face and legs is so much easier than on their bodies. Time there was universal labelling and checking of sunscreens so no more kids suffer. Thanks for the heads up on that particular one.


  44. I hope your son is better now, dear frayedmama. As for the scarring, may I point you in the direction of researching essential oils? I’ve had successes with several concerning skin issues. Lavender, frankincense, and rose geranium can be soothing and healing to skin – just be sure to dilute it or the blend of any or all by 2% in coconut oil or veggie oil of your choice. Parenthood – and blogging aren’t for sissies and I hope you continue doing both to the best of your ability. Blessings to you!


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